Health Insurance for KMUTT Students: Academic Year 2022
Insurance company: KSK Insurance (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
By Sunday Ins Co., Ltd.
Only for international students and Thai students who are interested in an individual plan.
The IPD coverage will be covered as per actual payment but not exceed maximum amount of cover of each item:
- 1,000THB for the room and meals (Maximum payable per day; 365 days maximum).
- 2,000 THB for the ICU ward (Maximum payable per day; 15 days maximum).
- Not exceeding 24,000 THB for general medical expenses.
- Not exceeding 30,000 THB for surgical fees (Actual payment).
- Not exceeding 2,400 THB for a specialist’s consultation fee.
- Not exceeding 1,000 THB for doctor visit fees (365 days maximum)
- Not exceeding 3,000 THB/day/trip for ambulance fees
- No advance payment is required if you receive medical treatment at the company’s contracted hospital.
Policy BKK-P-510-22-001185 (for new students/ student ID begin with 65xxxxxxxxx)
Policy BKK-P-510-22-001186 (for other students)